
Institutional Licenses

In a time of distance learning, Sports Business Journal provides colleges and universities with the opportunity to extend their value and knowledge on and off campus.

Our news content and databases can be tailored to your university for a custom license. Beyond sports business programs, our suite of news and data is great for other majors including marketing, architecture, video game development, law, and myriad others.

News Content

Sports Business Journal and The Esports Observer provide colleges with a trusted, credible source of news, information and data.

  • SBJ weekly content features award-winning in-depth, original reporting on the stories changing sports from the leading weekly publication in the industry.
  • SBJ daily content is digital, curated content that keeps the sports industry moving. The source for breaking news about the deals, people, and developments from every prominent news outlet.
  • The Esports Observer is the first news platform solely focused on the business of esports. The international resource for insights and relevant data points for informed decision making in esports.


In addition to our news content, we also have premium database solutions for curriculums and research.

  • SportsAtlas, powered by SBJ and premier third-party data partners, is the one stop for reliable sports industry data. Listings of brands, teams, leagues, and athletes are filled with data ranging from social media to deal lengths, brand affinity to attendance, and demographic data to sponsorship portfolios.
  • Newzoo, a sister company of SBJ, is the authority for esports and gaming data. Their global data includes in-depth game, genre, country, and demographic profiles along with real-time engagement and market-sizing data.

To learn more about our institutional licenses, click here.